Made World.CreateRandomVehicle() return immediately (the method does not work currently).Improved performance of methods for getting entities in World and World.GetAllBlips() (or World.GetActiveBlips() in the v2 API).Fixed PedHash.Corpse01UMY using the wrong value.Fixed Notification.Show(), Screen.ShowSubtitle(), Screen.ShowHelpTextThisFrame(), the setter of TextElement.Caption, TextElement.GetStringWidth(), and TextElement.GetScaledStringWidth() throwing exception when the text argument is null (now work as if the text argument is the empty string).Fixed Audio.PlaySoundAt and Audio.PlaySoundFrontend not correctly tying the returning sound id.Fixed Ped.SeatIndex not necessarily returning the correct value.Fixed Game.GetUserInput() throwing exception for certain window titles.
Fixed some properties and methods of EntityBone not working in v.0 or higher.Fixed the getter of Game.TimeScale not working in v.0 or higher.Fixed Vehicle.OilVolume and Vehicle.PetrolTankVolume returning the wrong value.Added countermeasure against removing vehicles added in Arena War or later updates (Lowriders or later updates in 1.0.505.2 to.Added more accurate values to VehicleLockStatus and made confusing values obsolete.Added missing flag values to LeaveVehicleFlags enum.Added missing firing pattern values to FiringPattern enum.Added missing control values to Control enum.